Activity Tracking Options

Activity Tracking Options

Link your Fitbit or Garmin account to Motion Connected or use the Apple Health app on iPhones or the Google Fit app on Android phones to pull data from some of your favorite devices including Apple Watch, Misfit, Withings, Polar and more.

Compatible Devices

*Please note: this is not an exhaustive list, and device compatibility with Apple Health or Google Fit may change. Before purchasing a device, we recommend checking the manufacturer’s site to verify Google Fit or Apple Health compatibility. 

Linking via Apple Health or Google Fit
Linking a device other than a Fitbit or Garmin will require the Apple Health or Google Fit app. Many device apps such as Polar Flow and Withings Health Mate can be configured to share step data with either of these apps. If your device app syncs activity data with Apple Health or Google Fit, you can use it to track activity for Motion Connected (even if it's not a device listed above*). 

*Please refer to your device manufacturer for information on compatibility with Apple Health or Google Fit. Android users may also view apps that work with Google Fit on the Google Play Store .

How do I connect my device's app to Apple Health or Google Fit?
This will vary depending on the type of device you are trying to connect and if you are working with the Apple Health or Google Fit app. To find general instructions for connecting your app, please click the links below to visit Google or Apple's website. 

Connect apps with Google Fit >>

Add information from other apps (Apple) >>

Once your device is set up and syncing to Apple Health or Google Fit, link to the Motion Connected app.

Linking Apple Health or Google Fit to Motion Connected

Health app icon

Google Fit logo

The IOS version of the Motion Connected app can be linked to Apple Health, and the Android version of the app can be linked to Google Fit. To view instructions, click here for Apple Health or here for Google Fit. 

Don’t have a wearable activity device?
Use the Apple Health or Google Fit app to automatically track steps using sensors that come standard in most smartphones. Simply follow the instructions linked above to create the link and carry your phone on you when you are active.

Linking Fitbit or Garmin to Motion Connected

Icon image

Linking your Fitbit or Garmin account to Motion Connected can be done easily by going to the Link Device Page in your Motion Connected account. To view complete instructions, click here for Fitbit or here for Garmin. 

Samsung Devices
Icon image

Samsung Health can be linked to Motion Connected on Android devices using a third-party app. On iPhones, Samsung Health can be linked using the Gear Companion app. To view instructions, click here

If you are interested in purchasing a device, you have access to discounted Fitbit and Garmin devices through the Wellness Outlet store. A link is located directly inside your Motion Connected account in the “Wellness Outlet” tab.


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