Account Support
Need Help Creating/Accessing a Motion Connected account
New Motion Connected Account To obtain your organization's unique account activation code and instructions, please contact your program administrator(s). For security reasons, our support team cannot provide activation codes directly to participants, ...
Health Profile - Health Tracking
The Health Profile page of your account is used for logging and keeping track of your Weight, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, and Glucose readings on a monthly/yearly basis. This page is private to you, your employer does not have access to this data. ...
Change Login ID or Password
You can change your Login ID or Password on the Account page (or for EHP members under Personal Information) while logged in to your account. When choosing a Login ID or Password the following rules apply: Must be at least 6 characters long May ...
Motion Connected Platform Tour
Welcome to Motion Connected, your wellness platform! In Motion Connected you can complete wellness activities, participate in challenges, and find personal health tracking tools. Continue reading to view a brief tour and description of each page ...