Motion Connected Platform Tour

Motion Connected Platform Tour

Welcome to Motion Connected, your wellness platform! In Motion Connected you can complete wellness activities, participate in challenges, and find personal health tracking tools. Continue reading to view a brief tour and description of each page found within the desktop version or watch the video for a tour of the Motion Connected app. 

*Please note that the images contain examples of what you may find in Motion Connected. Wellness programs vary from organization to organization, and your company's offerings may be different.  

Motion Connected App Tour

Dashboard (web)

The Dashboard is the first page you will see after logging into the Motion Connected website. The Dashboard shows your activity data in daily, weekly, and yearly views as well as progress in current challenges and the current Scorecard if your program has one. A similar page is available in the app by tapping the running man icon along the bottom. Messages and bulletin boards are also part of the dashboard and are outlined below.


Message Board

On the Message Board find information such as invites to challenges, healthy tips, monthly newsletters, and important messages from your company. The message board can be opened in the app by tapping the message bubble on the bottom.


Bulletin/Benefits Boards

The Bulletin board contains links to helpful resources such as how to link a device, mental health resources, and our blog, MC Health Discover. Organizations may make company-specific resources available to you here. Some programs also have a second section called "Benefits Board" that contains resources related to your company benefits. 

These two pages can also be found in the app's navigation bar at the bottom.


The Challenges page is where past and current activity and weight challenges are displayed. Any current challenge will have the invitation posted on this page.  After joining a challenge, you can view the challenge leaderboard, your current numbers, and your rank in the challenge on this page. Each challenge will state a specific goal based on steps, active minutes, or distance (in miles). 


If your organization offers incentives based on earning points, you will have a scorecard. The Scorecard is where the wellness program pieces all come together. Here, you can see the activities available to you to earn points and view progress towards your program's goals. 


Click on 'View Scorecard' to open the Scorecard you wish to access (if you only have access to one scorecard it will automatically open skipping the previous screenshot).


The Scorecard is broken up into sections each with available opportunities to earn points. Next to each activity, you will see the points possible, and points earned. Clicking on the activity title will open the activity's specific details, including instructions on how to earn points.

Health Profile Page

The Health Profile page is a great tool available to you for personal health tracking. Here you can log your weight, blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood glucose readings and see them graphed out over time.  This information is private and cannot be viewed by other members. This data also cannot be viewed or requested by your program administrator(s). 



The Community page displays a daily and weekly leaderboard of the top steppers across the Motion Connected platform and within your organization. Either view can be set as the default view.



The Account page is where you can edit your contact, login, and email notification settings. You can also create a different screen name (other than the default screen name of first name and last initial) or choose to use an anonymous screen name for public leaderboards.


Link Device Page

The Link Device page is where you can link a Garmin or Fitbit device. To create the link, you will need your Garmin or Fitbit account email and password. If you have a different device or would like to track steps using your phone, you will link all other devices through Apple Health or Google Fit and the Motion Connected app. This option is found on the Motion Connected app's Settings page. 



The Support tab will take you to the Motion Connected support page. Here you can search for support articles, get help from our chat bot, or submit a support request.

Wellness Outlet

As a part of the Motion Connected program, you have access to discounted Fitbit and Garmin devices in our online store, the Wellness Outlet.  A separate account is created easily by clicking on “Create Account” and creating a password. 

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