About the Motion Connected Challenges

About the Motion Connected Challenges

Looking to challenge yourself?  Motivate yourself to be more active and achieve new goals? There are several different types of challenges available to do just that on the Challenges page of your account.

You can build your own custom challenges or participate in challenges others have built.

Your wellness program can have custom challenges linked to your scorecard if applicable, just for fun, or tied to an internal competition within your organization.  Custom challenges are fun to participate in and a great way to compete with your coworkers on a friendly activity based platform.

Goal vs Best Custom Challenges:  A goal challenge can be used to challenge yourself and others to achieve a specific goal based on the available metrics (steps, distance, or active minutes).  A best challenge is used to compete for the best reading of the selected metric within the given time period.

Outlast Challenges: An outlast challenge is a challenge with an increasing difficulty to the metric being tracked.  You have a set goal for the first week and then each consecutive week the goal increases by a set amount.  If you miss the goal for any of the weeks you are "out" of the rest of the challenge and your activity won't count towards the consecutive weeks of the challenge.

Steps and Distance Challenges:  Steps and distance challenges are used to challenge participants based on the number of steps you take or how far you can go during the challenge duration.  These challenges are often organized by your program administrator(s) and are frequently tied into your scorecard (if applicable).

Active Minute challenges are setup to use the Active Minutes data recorded by your device. Active Minutes are different from standard movement minutes because they are a representation of movement that is above and beyond your standard activity.  In order to accumulate Active Minutes your device needs to detect and record activity for ten (10) or more consecutive minutes without stopping.  This activity must also meet or exceed a moderate intensity level as calculated by your device.

Weight Challenges:  There are two types of weight challenges available; weight loss and maintain no gain.  The weight loss challenge, challenges participants to lose as much weight as they can in the given period of time.  Maintain no gain challenges challenge members to stay within two (2) pounds of the weight they start the challenge at.  All weight challenges only display percent changes on the challenge leaderboard, no weights are displayed here for privacy purposes.

Creating Custom Challenges for yourself and coworkers can be done by following the instructions Create and Manage Custom Challenges support article.

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